Not-For-Profit and Government Reporting Entities
Not-For-Profit Information Returns
We are proud to represent a variety of not-for-profit organizations and are well versed in all compliance, reporting and tax issues faced by not-for-profit organizations and charities.
Contact us to learn more about:
- Preparation and filing of the Form T1044 “Information Return”
- Preparation and filing of other information returns required by Canada Revenue Agency (“CRA”) and other government agencies
- Preparation and filing of corporate income tax returns if required
Financial Statements
Not-For-Profit Organizations, Crown Corporations and Government Reporting Entities require specialized financial statements. Financial statements are required for a variety of different purposes and we can assist you to ensure that the financial statements provide the most accurate and useful picture of your organization or business.
Contact us to learn more about:
- General purpose financial statement preparation and reporting
- Public sector accounting financial statements
- Audited financial statements
- Financial statements for review engagements
- Preparation of year end accounting records
- Financial reporting requirements and timelines
Corporate Governance
The accounting, tax, reporting and compliance issues for Not-For-Profit Organizations are numerous, complex, and can be time consuming. We are experienced with the issues, reporting requirements and legislation relating to Not-For-Profit Organizations and can assist you with your governance questions.
Contact us to learn more about:
- Financial planning
- Financial reporting
- Tax and filing requirements
- Audits of internal controls
- Director’s responsibility and liability
- Compliance with the Societies Act
Directors can be held personally liable for a Not-For-Profit Organization’s unpaid liabilities and taxes. Proper accounting and income tax filing compliance can reduce the possibility of this happening. We can assist you with your organization’s accounting and compliance requirements.
Contact us to learn more about:
- Establishing a Board of Directors
- Due diligence by a Board of Directors
- Tax and and other compliance requirements for the organization
CRA Compliance and Filing Requirements
Not-For-Profit Organizations, Charities and Government Reporting Entities are all subject to stringent compliance and filing requirements by CRA. Many organizations and entities are staffed by volunteers or have very small accounting budgets. CRA’s filing and compliance requirements can be time consuming and expensive for organizations and entities. We are familiar with CRA’s filing and compliance requirements.
Contact us to learn more about:
- Form T1044 “Information Return” preparation and filing
- Goods and Service Tax (“GST”) reporting and remittances
- Payroll reporting and remittances
- Changing directors filing requirements
- T2 Corporate Income Tax Returns, if required